Old School Office Supplies

For this installment of Gadgets, Gizmos and Gifts I wanted to review my top office supplies for note-taking, tasking and organizing. I'm aware a lot of people have already integrated all these things on to their computer but if you are a tactile old schooler like I am, I think these office supplies will become your must-haves. The key to office supplies is that they are used in an office space. I carved out a nice office space that I love and feel comfortable in so it's well worth it to me to have supplies and methods that can only be utilized in my office. So if you like to keep some of your tasking, note-taking and organizing offline then these supplies might be just what you are looking for!



Index Cards and Index Card Box

Instead of having large filing cabinets (I do have a small one) with a countless number of manila and hanging folders, I use a small index card box to keep records. For each client (I do design work as well), I print a template that is a sum-up of who they are and what services I have provided on a 3 x 5 index card (back and front). I also have alphabetical, monthly and numerically separators in my box. The alphabetical is for clients, monthly is for finished tasks and numerical is for tasks that need to be done. If i need to do something in the future, I write it on an index card, write the date it needs to be done and I place it under the appropriate date separator. I check my box in the morning and I write future to dos throughout the day. At the end of the day I make sure all my to dos and completed tasks are filed away, leaving my desk neat and tidy.


Daily Sorter

A daily sorter is the same idea as the index card box but on a larger scale. This is where I put tear outs, ideas, notes, etc. I always date them and look at them the dated day and then I decide whether they can be pitched or to be filed in my small cabinet. For me it's mostly for daily inspiration but you could use it for tasks and to-dos like how I use my index card box. I just like the idea of keeping all my tasks and to dos small enough to fit on a 3 x 5 index card. If their our larger sheets associated to my to dos then I can say "reference sorter". For all you paper fiends out there this is a really great way to keep tasking efficient and organized.



Whiteboard and Dry-erase Markers

We do have an official whiteboard but we also love to use glass frames as dry-erase boards. We can customize the background to our choosing, although I prefer white because it is the best for readability. Whiteboards and dry erase markers are quick, easy and not messy. We use them mostly for mind mapping (for you online folks, Blue Mind [for Windows only] is a great min-mapping software), presentations and problem-solving. I recommend having a larger one for group sessions and then small ones for each person in your office. Each person can then leave notes for themselves or for you.


Steno Pads

Are like a reporters notebook with the spiraling at the top which makes them easy to use for righties as well as lefties. But the main differences is it has a vertical line going down the center of each page. The vertical line creates two columns of ruled lines which makes it the perfect notebook to compliment all your list making needs. It is also great for note taking because you can highlight the main points in one column and go into details in the other. You can also easily quarter each page to organize ideas and tasks. We love to use them and you'll catch us using these lovely orchid steno pads. Forget the iPad, get with the steno pad! (yuk yuk)


Scratch Pads

Scratch pads are used when I get a phone call, need to jot something really quick, doodle on, write a reminder. My preference is the 3 x 5 size because if my note turns out to be important I can put it in my index card box with ease. I think they are a great alternative to post-it notes which quite frankly are too expensive for my taste and if I need to hang up my loose scratch sheet I can post it up on my next top office supply: the cork board!



Cork Board

I know when some people look at a cork board full of papers, the last thing on their mind is organized. It seems instead of having papers strewn across your desk they are strewn across a cork board, right? Well I have a couple tricks to solve this issue. My first solution is to put patterned contact paper on top of the cork board. You can find a similar idea at Design Sponge here. Pick a pattern that is on somewhat of the busy side so when you place white sheets of paper on it it starts to make the pattern look cleared away. The second solution is to make grids on the cork board. You can align your sheets up there according to the grid. Honestly though the biggest benefit of the board is the "stick up and walk away". I like to look at the larger picture of all my notes and once the board gets full I either throw away or file in my filer.


These supplies help keep my old school filing system streamlined. Anyone else have favorite office supplies they can't live without?

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